Monday, September 3, 2007

Back to School

School has started once again. It only reminds me that not only are my kids getting older, so I am! Hayden is starting Kindergarten this year. For some reason the teachers in Kindergarten don't seem to have enough room in there classroom for regular size backpacks. Which is a load of bull, because they have regular size cubbies for each kid in their class that has more than enough room for a backpack, lunchbox, and coat. So the kids are stuck carry these horrific canvas totes that will probably fall apart in a month. You buy them from the school for $3.00. This is probably their plan to get more money for the school. Apparently the teachers also don't want to spend a lot of time zipping and unzipping book bags. So you all know me, I have never been one to follow the rules. If they want them to carry a canvas bag with no zipper, I can do that. I found the most adorable bag for L.L. Bean. So, we are now in compliance with the rules plus we and looking pretty dapper too!

Hayden's first day was August 7th.
Look at that ugly bag!

Hayden's new bookbag!

Ethan ready for his first day of K-4 was August 16th.

1 comment:

The Quinn Report said...

They look so grown sad.