Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wedding Bells

John's nephew Nathan was married on December 15th. Hayden was asked to be the ring bearer. He was so adorable in his tuxedo. He did a great job. I tried to take pictures of him walking down the aisle, but I couldn't use my flash and they didn't turn out well. He was so in love with the flower girl Kellie. He says he is going to marry her, I think Madison might have something to say about that. We had a great time and the wedding was GORGEOUS. Believe it or not I have no pictures of the bride.

Kellie and Hayden
Ethan's suit was constantly in disarray. He did however catch a nap through the nuptials.
Miss Beautiful! She had a ball and was soooo pretty.

My three guys

Darryl, Val and Ashley
Lauren and John Dayton

Me and my bug

Daddy's little girl

Nathan (aka the Groom) and the HANDSOME Ring Bearer
We tried a family pic and of course not everyone wants to participate.....
so, we'll just lay on the floor.

John's parents and his sisters, not pictured is his brother Jeff, we missed ya! :(
From Left to right....Howard, John, Val, Cindy (mommy of the groom), Cheryl, and Sue
All the Gilbert grandyoungins minus Brian, he was trying to find his girlfriends keys
Aren't they purty?

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