Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Beach Chair Nazi

Okay, I know it has been a while, but things here have been crazy. We have been gone for over a week and it is hard to get back into the swing of things when you come home. I don't know about ya'll, but I am still in vacation mode! We spent last week sunnin' our buns at the beach in Panama City, that is until the cold front blew in and sent us packing with our beach chairs, sand toys, and umbrellas back to the condo. We had 4 beautiful days of sun and fun. Well all was fun except for the Beach Chair Nazi who was running the chair and umbrella rental. Here's what really happened. John awoke early one morning (5:30am) to go deep sea fishing. We being the money savers we are brought our own beach chairs, umbrellas, etc. (Not to mention that they were bootin' people off the chair pads and taking their umbrellas down anytime after 4:00.) So, I asked John to set our stuff back out at the beach before he left. Of course he did, because he is just that wonderful!!!! Anyhoo, around 7:30ish Beach Chair Nazi and his drone were out there setting up for the day. Apparently, John had leaned our chairs against one of their chairs. So they took it upon themselves to throw our things next to the trash can. WHAT?? THE TRASH CAN!!!! Yeah, I don't think so!!! So, me and my pajamas hi-tailed it down to the beach to get a few things straight. I simply stated to him in a nice teacher like tone, that I would not accept the new placement of my chairs or the way the were handled. Beach Chair Nazi informed me they carefully placed my chairs, umbrellas and sand toys over there by the trash can, because people leave stuff here all the time and they are supposed to clean up their area each morning. Yeah, whatever!!! The Chairs were not even close to being next to each other, the sand toys had fallen out of the basket and scattered around, careful my hiney!!!! So I reinformed Beach Chair Nazi, that he has seen us here all week sitting in the same spot with the same beach paraphernalia, and do I look stupid enough to leave ALL of this stuff here and never come back for it?? He quickly got with the program and he and his drone "carefully" put my stuff back where they found it! While I supervised, of course. I mean really, do they not know who I am??

Other than that we had a ball!!!

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