Friday, April 27, 2007

Skateboard - Helmet = Big No No!

The number 1 rule around our house for outside play is....If it has wheels you MUST wear a HELMET!!!!! Hayden being the show off he is, thought he was too big for his own britches the other day. The concrete driveway, however, showed him who is really in charge. Hayden was running and jumping on his knees onto his skateboard showing off for a neighbor kid, with out a helmet. I am blaming this one on Dad, because John was out there, but I guess he was too consumed by working on his mustang that he failed to notice our little dare devil. The second attempt at this crazy stunt ended in disaster, he flew over the front of the board and face planted right into the driveway. John brought him in the house covered in blood and Hayden was hysterical. After stopping the nose bleed and cleaning his face, this was the end result we were left with. As the days go on, it has looked a little worse simply because the scabs are forming, but he will be fine!! My advice to any parent who has boys...Keep on hand a big supply of Neosporin and Mederma for Kids

1 comment:

The Quinn Report said...

Can't wait to see you guys!!

Abigail's birthday party looked like fun...I can't believe how much she's grown within these past 2 months!

Talk to you soon,